• Postdoc = Postdoktor = efter doktorsgraden är inhämtad • Postdoc-stipendium ger möjlighet till ett eller flera års forskning vid ett annat universitet än det du varit doktorand på. • Ger nyblivna doktorer en möjlighet att skaffa sig erfarenheter och kontakter. • Vanligast är att man gör sin postdoc utomlands, ofta vid ett känt


Junior Faculty welcomes you to a seminar with insider and outsider tips on writing a successful grant application. The seminar is open to everyone, but directed mainly towards junior researchers (for TekNat and MedFarm, this means researchers applying for Starting Grants and similar, 2-7 (VR) or 2-8 (Formas) years after PhD).

www. vr.se Formas FAS Marie Curie International Postdoc Fellowship Programme med Carrier Opportunities. nov 2, 2020 | Three new postdoc positions available. Calls.

Vr.se postdoc

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Previous call texts Dr Kailash Singh (postdoc fellow in Profs Sandler's and Carlsson's laboratories) has been awarded 3-years’ salary support (3.15 MSek) by the Swedish Research Council. With the International PostDoc granted by Swedish Research Council Kailash will have the opportunity to conduct research in Babraham Institute, University of Cambridge, UK with research team of Prof Adrian Liston for the period of 2019 … POSTDOC POSITIONS. We are currently interested to recruit international postdocs to our team in the areas of: chromatin biology, epigenomics. bioinformatics, computational biology, biophysics, mathematics (could be remotely if corona pandemic limits … Ett postdoc-stipendium finns för inkommande gäststipendiater (gästforskare) för vilka inrättas inom ramen för ett beviljat projektanslag för forskningsarbete inom projektets program under ett år. Stipendiet är värd SKr240,000 per år och kan förlängas med ytterligare ett år (till totalt två år). You can now apply for research grants for research environment in clinical treatment research, international postdoc, conference and consolidation. The current announcements will close at 14:00 on 27 February 2018.

Formerna för de här utlysningarna kan se lite olika ut eftersom de ibland administreras av någon av våra samarbetspartners. Vi utlyser också medel inom ramen

Postdoctoral Fellow in Virtual Reality at The Human Interface Technology Laboratory NZ, University of Canterbury, listed on FindAPostDoc.com - A jobs site   27 Mar 2018 be invited to join the application. Further details of the call and how to apply can be found on the Swedish Research Council's website, vr.se.

Vr.se postdoc

7 Nov 2014 Or you can visit vr.se/inenglish and follow the links to Research Funding > Apply for Grants > Call for proposals > Closed call for proposals, 

EngkvistStiftelserna (100-500kSEK) http://www.engkviststiftelserna.se/Olle/index.html.

Vr.se postdoc

Skrivelse 2017-02-15. To stimulate research of excellence within specific areas the Council may award research grants to Centres of Excellence.
Usa index fond

Vr.se postdoc

vid Institutionen för ekologi och genetik, Limnologi. E-post: pablo.urrutiacordero [AT-tecken] ebc.uu.se Besöksadress: Evolutionsbiologiskt centrum (EBC) Norbyvägen 18 D 752 36 Uppsala Postadress: Norbyvägen 18 D 752 36 Uppsala Many of the calls are recurrent, e.g. the international postdoc grant, but some changes have been made.

Nearly 125 million SEK will be allocated over the period 2021–2023. Decision published 14:00 11 December 2020 vrpostdok@vr.se +46 (0)8 546 44 054. Specifika instruktioner för utlysningen. Förutom den specifika utlysningstexten behöver du också ta del av vår Ansökningsguide.
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Various Swedish Postdoc Fellowships: Are due every Fall, make sure you contact me before http://vr.se/inenglish/researchfunding/ourgrants2014.4.44482 

Email: pablo.urrutiacordero @ ebc.uu.se. Visiting address: Evolutionsbiologiskt centrum (EBC) Norbyvägen 18 D. 752 36 Uppsala. All grants are regularly announced on the web site: www.vr.se The web site provides instructions for applying as well as forms, contacts and the Research Council’s general terms and conditions. Overview - calls 2018. Grant explicitly promoting mobility. International Postdoc SLU-forskare som fick bidrag från VR är: professor Rishikesh Bhalerao (Skogens genetik och växtfysiologi) ca 3,6 mkr, forskare Michael Gundale (Skogens ekologi och skötsel) 3,6 mkr, professor Sara Hallin (Skoglig mykologi och patologi) ca 4,1 mkr, professor Daniel Hofius (Växtbiologi) 2.9 mkr, postdoc Dolly Kothawala (Vatten och miljö) ca 3,3 mkr, professor Hjalmar Laudon (Skogens Dr Kailash Singh (postdoc fellow in Profs Sandler's and Carlsson's laboratories) has been awarded 3-years’ salary support (3.15 MSek) by the Swedish Research Council. With the International PostDoc granted by Swedish Research Council Kailash will have the opportunity to conduct research in Babraham Institute, University of Cambridge, UK with research team of Prof Adrian Liston for the period Mads F Schou, postdoc Biologiska institutionen, Lunds universitet +45 51 34 92 99 mads.schou@biol.lu.se .

International postdoc Starting grant Consolidator grant Grant for half-time researcher position in clinical environment -E-mail to utlysningar@vr.se (general

Om du har ett konto energimyndigheten.se. Fakturor Statens energimyndighet.

vid Institutionen för ekologi och genetik, Limnologi. E-post: pablo.urrutiacordero [AT-tecken] ebc.uu.se Besöksadress: Evolutionsbiologiskt centrum (EBC) Norbyvägen 18 D 752 36 Uppsala Postadress: Norbyvägen 18 D 752 36 Uppsala (check vr.se to be sure, changes often) NT alone: Project grants Project grants, young researchers (2-8 years after PhD) Together with others: International postdoc (twice a year, PhD less than two years) Distinguished young researchers (5 years, 3 MSEK/year, PhD 6-12 years ago) International Career Grants (3 years, 2 abroad, one in Sweden) Behandling av personuppgifter I enlighet med den allmänna dataskyddsförordningen (EU 2016/679), GDPR, och kompletterande nationell lagstiftning lämnar Vetenskapsrådet följande information för behandlingen av dina personuppgifter. Ändamål och rättslig grund Ditt namn och din e-postadress samlas in för att vi vid behov ska kunna komma i kontakt med dig när du lämnat en kommentar till International post doc – A possibility for young researchers (maximum 2 years after PhD) to conduct research in a different country during 18-36 months. VR starting grant – Grants for young researchers, 2-7 years after PhD, who wish to establish themselves as independent researchers in Sweden. (check vr.se to be sure, changes often) NT alone: Project grants Project grants, young researchers ( 8 years after PhD) Together with others: International postdoc (twice a year, PhD less than two years) Excellent young researchers (5 years, 3 MSEK/year, PhD 2001-01-01 - 2007-01-01) R adsprofessur (10 years, 5 MSEK/year, PhD before 2006-01-01) About me. I studied Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens (Greece), I did my PhD in Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology at the University of Barcelona (Spain) and my postdoc at the Department of Neuroscience at Karolinska Institute (Sweden).