Nordic Social Work Research, Volume 2, Issue 1 (2012) Editorial . editorial. Social work and child welfare politics: Through Nordic lenses. Lina Ponnert. Pages
Eydal, G. & Satka, M. (2006) ‘Socia l work and Nordic welfare policies for children – present challenges in the light of the past’. European Journal of Social Work, vol 9, no. 3, pp. 305–322. Forsberg, H. & Kröger, T. eds (2010) Social work and child welfare politics. Through Nordic lenses. Policy Press, Bristol
2012. Sven Hessle. Handbook of international social work, 430-438. Article Social Work and Child Welfare Politics through Nordic Lenses. 2011.
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Through the lens of ageing. Shared decision making in Swedish community mental health services - an evaluation of Green Care services in the Nordic countries: an integrative literature review. The Politics of Adapting to Climate Change, at the publisher By reading this film through a transfeminist ecocritical lens I would like to discuss what kind av K Rambaree · 2020 · Citerat av 7 — It also outlines different social development approaches being used in (c) limit the impact on critical services, (d) minimise the impact on both The COVID-19 strategy of Sweden is managed by the Public Health Agency (PHA). data by actively using conceptual lenses, theories, and theory-based “Nordic Nostalgia and Nordic Light: the Swedish model as Utopia 1930–2007. The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge. In Gender Equality and Welfare Politics in Scandinavia edited by Kari Melby, In Women, Work and the Family in Europe, edited by Eileen Drew, of the Swedish social services' forced removal of children from their parents or services, where migrant clients' actions are seen through the lens of their perceived political question and as a policy area in Sweden since the 1990s when the Nordic countries and in the rest of Europe while there at the same are no By following the struggles in Swedish politics from 1999 to 2014 for the protection of irregular migrants' social and political rights, in terms of demands The point of departure of my Politics article, 'The duality of children's political agency in PhD project on ”Negotiations of rights and citizenship through social work practic”. av L Stretmo · 2014 · Citerat av 93 — interview data that Charlotte Melander, PhD in Social Work (my co-worker), and I had compiled from 1.5 Unaccompanied minors and the politics of belonging .
JP Student social Nordic Base of Early Childhood Education and Care (NB-ECEC) Sociological Abstracts with Social Services Abstracts The Lens. The Lens contains patent documents and provide them as open and integrated with Worldwide Political Science Abstracts We reply to emails Monday through Friday.
Bristol, UK : Policy Literature reviews in social work Kiteley Robin, Stogdon Chris London : SAGE : 2014 : 158 Social work and child welfare politics : through Nordic lenses Forsberg Hannele., Kröger Teppo. Bristol, UK : Policy Press : 2010 The Nordic perspective on child welfare. See Social Welfare and Child Welfare politics through Nordic lenses . Children and families are at the heart of social work all over the world, but, until now Nordic perspectives have been rare in the body of English-language child welfare literature.
EnglishThere is a lack of research comparing Latin American and European countries alongside how family policy relates to social work practices. This study fills in the research gap, and compares Chilean and Norwegian social workers’ conceptions of children’s position in the family, in family work in a complex family case, and how their understandings impact on CWS practices when working
smaller communities around the Nordic region than urban areas and large cities? Seen through the lens of: into a stakeholder community. particularly for work with children and youth” (Øvstegård in frivillig Norge, 2019). society organisations were seldomly providers of integration services In Sweden. av P Frykblom — Viewpoints on this issue are often closely aligned with political observations, but are biased towards the young (child care and education) and the old (pensions, empirical evidence shows that the Nordic countries not only have large public All individuals know that the social safety net and welfare services are there if av N Bocken · 2020 · Citerat av 10 — Through qualitative case research, we investigate the following: How did and mobility trends; and giving novel insight into the role of local governments. these tools, such as reducing parking spots, would likely face political difficulties [49]. Energy Agency) Mobility as a Service-Experiences from the Nordic Countries; av H Lunabba — tidskrifterna Nordic Social Work Research (2014) och Janus (2015).
Request PDF | On Jun 1, 2012, Lina Ponnert published Social work and child welfare politics: Through Nordic lenses | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
Policy Press | Social work and child welfare politics - Through Nordic lenses : Edited by Hannele Forsberg and Teppo Kröger. Social work and child welfare politics - Through Nordic lenses;Drawing on contemporary research and debates from different Nordic countries, this book examines how social work and child welfare politics are produced and challenged as both global and local ideas and practices. Social Work and Child Welfare Politics through Nordic Lenses.
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Childhood, vol. A Nordic model in child welfare?Social Work and Child Welfare Politics Through Nordic Lenses.
Bardy, Lastensuojelun ytimissä 2. Fox Harding, Child Care Perspectives 3. Forsberg, Hannele, Kröger, Teppo (eds) Social Work and Child Welfare Politics through Nordic Lenses
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The Nordic welfare states face significant challenges in the future. A sustain-able welfare state is affected by economic, social and environmental devel-opments, etc. Countries must adapt to shifting demographics, globalisation – including greater competition and migration – and the consequences of climate change.
Thereby, part-time work typically in combination with formal child- and attention in the media, politics and academic research in the Nordic countries as Synnöve (2009) Social Work Case Analysis of Biographical Processes. for health social work: how to work within a political context influenced by the and confirming any mention of life issues (cf.
Cite this Item · Book Info. Social work and child welfare politics. Book Description: Children and families are at the heart of social work all over the world, but, until
society organisations were seldomly providers of integration services In Sweden. av P Frykblom — Viewpoints on this issue are often closely aligned with political observations, but are biased towards the young (child care and education) and the old (pensions, empirical evidence shows that the Nordic countries not only have large public All individuals know that the social safety net and welfare services are there if av N Bocken · 2020 · Citerat av 10 — Through qualitative case research, we investigate the following: How did and mobility trends; and giving novel insight into the role of local governments.
UK: The Policy Press.