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Spondyl|olisthesis [zu griechisch olísthēsis »Ausgleiten«, »Sturz«] die, / thesen, der Gleitwirbel

Management of Contracted Pelvis It depends mainly on the degree of disproportion. n. (רפואה) החלקת החוליה (ברפואה, החלקה של אחת מחוליות חוט השדרה מעל חוליה סמוכה לה) * * * (הל הכומס הילוח לעמ הרדשה טוח תוילוחמ תחא לש הקלחה ,האופרב) הילוחה תקלחה (האופר) Spondyl|oli|sthe̱sis [↑Spondylus u. gr.

Olisthesis wikipedia

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Olisthesis (synonym olisthy) is a term that more explicitly denotes displacement in any direction. F Forward or anterior displacement can specifically be called anterolisthesis. Anterolisthesis commonly involves the fifth lumbar vertebra. B Backward displacement is called retrolisthesis. The term “spondylolisthesis” was coined in 1854, from the Greek “spondyl” for vertebrae and “olisthesis” for slip.

Wikipedia describes it as, "…the study of designing equipment and devices that in 1854 from the Greek words, "spondylo" for vertebrae and "olisthesis" for slip.

Anterolisthesis commonly involves the fifth lumbar vertebra. B Backward displacement is called retrolisthesis. The term “spondylolisthesis” was coined in 1854, from the Greek “spondyl” for vertebrae and “olisthesis” for slip. [2] The variant "listhesis" is sometimes applied in conjunction with scoliosis.

Olisthesis wikipedia

Olisthesis (synonym olisthy ) er et udtryk, der mere eksplicit betegner forskydning i enhver retning. Fremad eller forreste forskydning kan specifikt kaldes anterolistese . Anterolistese involverer ofte den femte lændehvirvel .

This is basically another term for spondylolisthesis. Anterolisthesis is a spine condition in which the upper vertebral body, the drum-shaped area in front of each vertebrae, slips forward onto the vertebra below. Spondylolisthesis on yhden selkärangan siirtyminen toiseen. Vaikka jotkut lääketieteelliset sanakirjat määrittelevät spondylolisthesiksen nimenomaisesti selkärangan eteenpäin tai eteenpäin siirtymiseksi sen alapuolella olevan selkärangan (tai ristiluun ) alapuolelle , se määritellään usein lääketieteellisissä oppikirjoissa siirtymänä mihin tahansa suuntaan.

Olisthesis wikipedia

În timp ce unele dicționare medicale definesc spondilolisteza în mod specific ca deplasarea înainte sau înainte a unei vertebre peste vertebra inferioară acesteia (sau a sacrului ), este deseori definită în manualele medicale ca deplasare în orice direcție.
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Olisthesis wikipedia

a forward shift (slippage) of one vertebra upon another, due to a defect in the bone or in the joints that normally bind them together. This may be congenital or develop after injury.

If you have severe spondylolisthesis, surgery is successful in most cases. Spondylolisthesis is from the Ancient Greek σπονδύλους (spondylous) meaning vertebra and ολίσθηση (olisthesis) meaning slippage 6. A joint dislocation, also called luxation, occurs when there is an abnormal separation in the joint, where two or more bones meet. A partial dislocation is referred to as a subluxation.
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Spondylolisthesis on yhden selkärangan siirtyminen toiseen. Vaikka jotkut lääketieteelliset sanakirjat määrittelevät spondylolisthesiksen nimenomaisesti selkärangan eteenpäin tai eteenpäin siirtymiseksi sen alapuolella olevan selkärangan (tai ristiluun ) alapuolelle , se määritellään usein lääketieteellisissä oppikirjoissa siirtymänä mihin tahansa suuntaan.

Spondilolisteza este deplasarea unei vertebre spinale în comparație cu alta. În timp ce unele dicționare medicale definesc spondilolisteza în mod specific ca deplasarea înainte sau înainte a unei vertebre peste vertebra inferioară acesteia (sau a sacrului ), este deseori definită în manualele medicale ca deplasare în orice direcție. noun a forward dislocation of one vertebra over the one beneath it producing pressure on spinal nerves • Hypernyms: ↑dislocation /ˌspɒndəloʊləsˈθisəs/ (say .sponduhlohluhs theesuhs) noun forward displacement of a vertebra over a lower segment. {New Latin, from Greek spondyl(os) vertebra + Greek olisthēsis dislocation} Csigolyacsuszamlás az elmozdulás egy spinális csigolya képest egy másik. Míg egyes orvosi szótárak a spondylolisthesist kifejezetten a csigolya előre vagy elülső elmozdulásaként határozzák meg a csigolya alatt (vagy a keresztcsonton ) alacsonyabb szinten, az orvosi tankönyvekben ezt gyakran bármilyen irányú elmozdulásként definiálják. n.

foraminale stenose → foraminotomie. ❖ instabiele/progressieve olisthesis mogelijk evt met artrodese. ❖ soms gevolg: instabiele of progressieve olisthesis.

to olisthe , var. s. of olisthánein to slip, sprain (deriv. of ólisthos slipperiness) + sis… Wikipedia's Spondylolisthesis as translated by GramTrans La ĉi-suba teksto estas aŭtomata traduko de la artikolo Spondylolisthesis article en la angla Vikipedio , farita per la sistemo GramTrans on 2017-06-04 18:57:16. List of medical roots, suffixes and prefixes 6 Prefix/suffix Meaning Origin language and etymology Example(s)-eal pertaining to Latin ec-out, away Greek ἐκ- (ek-)ect(o)-outer, outside Greek ἐκτός Ectopic pregnancy Spondyl|olisthesis [zu griechisch olísthēsis »Ausgleiten«, »Sturz«] die, / thesen, der Gleitwirbel Spondylolisthesis is the displacement of one spinal vertebra compared to another. While some medical dictionaries define spondylolisthesis specifically as the forward or anterior displacement of a vertebra over the vertebra inferior to it (or the sacrum), it is often defined in medical textbooks as displacement in any direction. 1 dag sedan · Spondylolisthesis is the displacement of one spinal vertebra compared to another.

noun A forward displacement of a vertebra over a lower vertebra, due to a congenital defect or injury 2018-09-29 · Spondylolisthesis is a spinal condition in which one of the lower vertebrae slips forward onto the bone below.